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This site is a backup site in case the primary becomes inaccessible for some reason, so that the forum is still accessible.
April 7, 2001 »
I've made several additions to this lovely, upstanding site today. Some are pretty big, and quite significant. Some are not so big, and some are tinier than a speck of dust on a flea's back; but here they are, "all wrapped up in a neat little package!! Really, I mean that! Sorry if it sounded sarcastic..."
  • First of all, I spiffed up several of the images on the StarCraft page... Since I know you all care soooooo much about that thing.
  • Also, I made all these spiffy little labels in the sidebar... I hope ya like 'em (but it's okay if you don't, hehe). I also changed the font color just a bit here... plain white can get really dull, lol. Oh well, enough little stuff. On to more important things!
  • I got us a forum!! It's a CoolBoard, so it was kinda hard to get set up, but I think the functionality will pay off. Please use it. I wouldn't want all my backbreaking, mindbending, insanity-inducing labor to be in vain. I've set it up so you don't need to have an account to post there (because I think that discourages some people from using it. I did kinda want to make it so you must have an account, though. This would prevent people from posting under other people's names (big problem for this clan in the past), but, as stated, might also discourage some people from using the board. I'd appreciate some feedback on this... You can e-mail me if you give a damn (by clicking on my name, below); otherwise it shall remain as it is now. Please note also, there's a private board, just in case you have something you really don't want people seeing.
  • I've updated the poll. Nothin' too big, but like I said before, there has to be some reason for people to come to this site....... Doesn't there?
  • Finally (and this is the really tiny one), I'm working on a nifty little Flash animation that I'm gonna be putting up on the site soon. Again, nothing big, but it still is pretty cool. Now I just hope this damn GeoCities will host Flash files...
  • Oh, and that reminds me... We may be moving the site to soon. Geocities is cool but there are a few things about it that sorta suck... I'm gonna discuss it with Darth a little and if he agrees, we'll probably move in a few weeks.
So, uhh... that's just about it... I plan to keep pumpin' energy into this site; maybe revive it from it's current, stagnant state. By the way, I think I'm gonna start playing AoE again around May or June - celebrate 1999's 2-year birthday. I hope maybe some of my old '99ite friends will join me. Until then, adios, muchachos...

!Uf, estoy muy cansado!

April 1, 2001 »
We've recruited five members so far today! Our old friends from LR came back to 1999 and we're at a hefty 22 members now! We're gonna take over the Zone once again! No, actually I'm lying to you. It is April Fool's day, after all. Make sure you reset all your clocks ahead an hour. Man, 2 updates in a row... I'm on a roll! Okay, well I've finally finished our clan history page. It's pretty cool (but a little image heavy). I recommend you check it out, and see what you've missed. And it's not lookin' like we're gonna get the forum set up today... those boardhost fools haven't sent me the confirmation code yet... I'm thinkin' I'll get a CoolBoard this time... Very customizable.

March 31, 2001 »
Damn... If I didn't know better, I'd say this site is starting to be updated semi-regularly again! Well you'll be happy to know I'm working on getting us a new forum. I've just signed up with Boardhost.Com and we should be all set up by tomorrow. But alas, alas, we won't have a Starcraft/AoK forum anymore, though......... Hehe, yeah, you don't have to say it. And I'll probably be updating the poll again in about a week. I mean hell, there has to be some kinda reason for people to come here, right? Right? Ah... I miss Blitz... I miss Vixen... I miss lotsa people... But I don't miss... Hong-Kong Phooey!!!

March 15, 2001 »


February 3, 2001 »
Hey! Whut up, home-doggs? Lol, just kiddin'... Anyway, if you know anything about 1999 you're probably wondering why I'm updating this site. Well first off, I'm kinda bored right now, lol... But I thought it would be cool, since Barth [hehehe] hasn't done anything here for like 3 months... Of course eternity didn't happen overnight, because eternity isn't the kinda thing that happens... It just IS. Do ya get me? [Whoosh!] Oh well, it doesn't matter. Anyway I've been playing lots of Diablo II lately, if anyone cares. It's a great game; I love it. So anyway I changed the poll today, and added that intro graphic, and made some minor adjustments to the site, but nothing big. Anyway I'm gonna see Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon now, so I'll seeya later.

Other Games
Age of Kings

Links and Polls
1999 poll
[Apr. 2001]
Which "Age" game do you like best?

AoE! The first is the best!
RoR! More civs! Wooo!
AoK! It gets better with age.
Conquerors! Finally! The western hemisphere!
I love them all equally.
I utterly despise these games and curse them all to Hell!


Click here to see the results of the previous 1999 poll

Go play AoE on the MSN Gaming Zone!

This page is designed by the 1999 Age of Empires clan (but mainly Vakthoth_1999). E-mail us at